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Ixora chinensis “Red” 20-60cm

Dhs. 15.00

 Ixora chinensis is a very hardy plant, requires average water. One of the most successful flowering shrub in UAE. Ixora is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds. Survives in full sun to partial shade. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the tips and tricks for expert-level care Safe arrival guaranteed

Canna indica or Canna Green

Dhs. 13.00

Canna indica or Canna Green is rhizomatous perennial with ovate-lance-shaped to oblong, dark green, often bronze-tinted leaves, to 50cm long. Racemes or panicles of iris-like, bright red or soft orange flowers, 5-7cm across. Height 1.5-2.2m, Spread 50cm. Native to tropical and subtropical South America. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the tips and tricks for expert-level care...

Jasminum sambac “The Arabian Jasmine”

Dhs. 11.00

Jasminum sambac “The Arabian Jasmine” is evergreen, twining climber or scrambler with angular stems and bushy growth. Lustrous, dark green leaves, some in whorls of 3, others opposite, are reduced to one broadly ovate leaflet, to 8cm long. Produces small cymes of 3-12 salverform, storngly scented white flowers, 2.5cm across, fading to pink, mainly in summer, but often irregularly throughout...

Caesalpinia pulcherrima “Peacock Flower” 40-50cm

Dhs. 25.00

Caesalpinia pulcherrima is erect shrub or small tree with long-stalked, 2-pinnate, light green leaves, 30cm or more long, composed of numerous elliptic to obovate leaflets, 8mm long. From spring to autumn, bears erect racemes, to 20cm long, of up to 40 irregularly bowl-shaped flowers, 3-4cm across, with orange-yellow or yellow petals, orange-red sepals, and red stamens. Height 3-6m, Spread 2-4m....

Oleander “Nerium Oleander”

Dhs. 29.00

Nerium oleander is tall, erect to spreading shrub or small tree with lance-shaped, deep green to greyish green leaves, 6-20cm long. In summer, bears cymes of up to 80 pink, red, or white flowers, 3-5cm across

Aloe vera, Medicina Aloe, Savila Or الألوة فيرا

Dhs. 7.50

Aloe Vera is Clump-forming, suckering succulent. Allow produce basal rosettes of lance-shaped, fleshy, grey-green. Leaves are 45cm long, slightly grooved above, with toothed pink margins. In summer. Bears tubular yellow flowers, to 3cm long and 90cm or more long. Sometimes with up to 4 branches. Height 60cm, Spread indefinite. Propagation can be done by splitting sucker. Aloe also helps to...

Clerodendrum inerme (Wild Jasmine)

Dhs. 1.89

Evergreen sprawling shrub 1-1.8 m tall. Stems woody, smooth. Leaves ovate to elliptical (5-10 cm) long, acute to acuminate tip, green, smooth, slightly shiny upper 2 surface, pinnate venation, margins entire, leaves opposite, simple. Cyme or umbel usually comprised of 3 flowers joined at a common base point; corolla white, fused, with 5 lobes; stamens 4, reddish to purple and...

Labnani Jasmine “Jasminum Labnani” 0.5-0.6m

Dhs. 33.00

Jasmin flower is the beauty of  Jasminum labnani. When the moon is waxing towards fullness at night time after the sun has set it releases its fragrance, in fact, the buds are more fragrant than flowers. This variety is a beautiful yellow color, rather than the more common white. It can be either deciduous evergreen, and can be erect, spreading, or...

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