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Aloe vera, Medicina Aloe, Savila Or الألوة فيرا

Dhs. 7.50

Aloe Vera is Clump-forming, suckering succulent. Allow produce basal rosettes of lance-shaped, fleshy, grey-green. Leaves are 45cm long, slightly grooved above, with toothed pink margins. In summer. Bears tubular yellow flowers, to 3cm long and 90cm or more long. Sometimes with up to 4 branches. Height 60cm, Spread indefinite. Propagation can be done by splitting sucker. Aloe also helps to...

Ornamental Cactus 5-8cm

Dhs. 14.50

Many types of ornamental plants, probably the cactus is one kind of plant with the most likes. The form is cute and charming deemed certainly can beautify your home, either when placed in the room and when placed in the park. Not to mention, how to cactus care classified as very easy. For gardening enthusiasts who are new, this ornamental cactus plant can certainly...

Musa paradisiaca

Dhs. 70.00

Manilkara zapota Or Chicko Tree شجرة الشيكو a superb shade, street (where falling fruit will not be a problem), or fruit tree, Sopadilla reaches a height of 45 feet with a 40-foot spread. The smooth, dark, and glossy, six-inch-long evergreen leaves are clustered at the tips of twigs and the small, cream-colored solitary flowers appear in the leaf axils throughout...