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Codiaeum variegatum (Croton outdoor mix)

Dhs. 32.00

Codiaeum variegatum Upright, woody-based perennial with thick, ovate to linear, leathery leaves to 30cm long, often deeply lobed, in various colours, usually green and yellow when young, maturing to shades of red. White flowers, 5mm across, are borne in summer. Height 1-2m, Spread 0.6-1.5m. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the tips and tricks for expert-level care...

Hamelia patens “Fire Bush” 50 – 70cm Height

Dhs. 34.00

Hamelia patens, Fire bush is a showy, fast-growing, semi-woody evergreen shrub that can get up to 15 ft (4.6 m) tall under ideal conditions, but usually stays much smaller. It has whorled leaves, usually with three but occasionally as many as seven at each node. The leaves are elliptic to oval, about 6 in (15 cm) long, and gray-pubescent underneath...

Crinum asiaticum “Spider lily or Seashore lily”

Dhs. 42.00

Crinum Asiaticum is Deciduous, clump-forming perennial with semi-erect, mid-green leaves, to 1.2m long, grouped at the top of a false stem. Bears umbels of 20 or more narrow-tepalled, fragrant white flowers, 10cm long, from spring to summer. Height 60cm, Spread 15cm. Native of Tropical S.E. Asia. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil Most plants arrive within a week...

Duranta erecta or Duranta Green 0.7-1.0m

Dhs. 29.00

Duranta repens is Erect to spreading, bushy shrub or small tree with ovate to obovate, sparsely to boldly toothed, usually rich green leaves, to 7cm long. Axillary, pendent panicles, 10-15cm long, of small, blue, lilac-blue, purple, or white flowers, are produced mainly in summer, followed by yellow fruit, to 1cm across. Suitable for outdoors in UAE, Dubai. Flowers has mild...

Duranta repens, Duranta Gold or Golden Dew Drop 30-40cm

Dhs. 29.00

 Duranta repens is Erect to spreading, bushy shrub or small tree with ovate to obovate, sparsely to boldly toothed, usually rich green leaves, to 7cm long. Axillary, pendent panicles, 10-15cm long, of small, blue, lilac-blue, purple, or white flowers, are produced mainly in summer, followed by yellow fruit, to 1cm across. Suitable for outdoors in UAE, Dubai. Deliverable Healthy plant...

Croton Petra “Garden croton” 40 – 60cm

Dhs. 33.00

Codiaeum variegatum Croton  is Upright, woody-based perennial with thick, ovate to linear, leathery leaves to 30cm long, often deeply lobed, in various colours, usually green and yellow when young, maturing to shades of red. White flowers, 5mm across, are borne in summer. Height 1-2m, Spread 0.6-1.5m.

Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis “Cream” 0.5-0.6m

Dhs. 28.00

Hibiscus,  genus of numerous species of herbs, shrubs, and trees in the mallow family hat are native to warm temperate and tropical regions. These plants prefer a cozy fit when growing in a container. Always make sure that your growing these plants has excellent drainage.

Cassia surattensis “Scrambled Egg Plant”

Dhs. 54.00

Cassia surattensis is A medium size (to 15 feet), fast growing flowering tree from Polynesia in the Caesalpiniaceae family . This is one of the few cassias which like to grow in a tree form. It makes a nice dooryard or entrance gate specimen and works well in a median, as shown here. Blooms in cycles year-round. Full sun. Drought...

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