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Chrysalidocarpus lutescens | Areca palm Outdoor فراشة النخيل

Dhs. 165.00

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Areca palm or Butterfly palm is small palm with clustered stems, at first covered with yellow leaf bases. The leaves, 1-2m long, have numerous slender, lance-shaped, usually yellow-green leaflets. In summer, bears yellow flowers in panicles to 60cm long. Height 9m, Spread 6m. Native of Madagascar

Cocos nucifera “Coconut Palm” نخلة جوز الهند

Dhs. 79.00

Cocos nucifera or coconut palm نخلة جوز الهند is large palm with a swollen, tapered base, an often-leaning grey trunk, and pinnate, bright green leaves, 4-6m long, with many linear leaflets. Small, bowl-shaped, fragrant, cream to yellow flowers are borne at intervals throughout the year, followed by ovoid fruit, each with a green to ochre-yellow or orange-red exterior covering a fibrous...

Ravenala madagascariensis “Traveller’s Palm

Dhs. 160.00

Ravenala madagascariensisor Traveller’s palm is Large, erect tree with an unbranched, palm-like trunk topped by a fan-shaped, crown of 2-ranked, paddle-shaped, leathery, lustrous, rich green leaves. The oblong leaf-blades, 2-4m long, are borne on thick, grooved stalks, of about the same length, closely overlapping at the bases. On mature plants, tiny, narrow white flowers, each with 6 tepals, emerge from...

Citrus orange or Orange Tree

Dhs. 165.00

Citrus orange or Orange Tree is large, rounded, bushy shrub or small tree with oval to elliptic, dark green leaves, 5-15cm long. In spring, bears fragrant white flowers, 4cm across, singly or in racemes. Sweet orange fruit, 6-10cm long, each with a secondary, embryonic fruit embedded at the apex, are borne in winter. Height 6-12m, Spread 3-5m. Deliverable Healthy plant in...

Psidium guajava Or Guava Tree 1.2 – 2.0m شجرة الجوافة (Pakistani)

Dhs. 72.00

Psidium guajava Or Guava Tree is an Evergreen shrub or small tree to 9 m (30 ft) tall, with scaly greenish-brown bark and young branches 4-angled, pubescent. Leaves opposite, simple, short stalked, entire, oval to oblong-elliptic, to 15 cm (6 in) long, pubescent below, with veins impressed above and conspicuously raised below. Flowers white, fragrant, to 4 cm (1.6 in)...

Ziziphus Spina Christi or Sidr Tree سدر

Dhs. 69.00

Ziziphus Spina Christi is Evergreen tree with an irregular rounded crown. The trunk is short with rough, gray-brown bark. Leaves are small, alternate, and ovate to oval, with a rounded apex, dark, shiny green, with stipular spines. Flowers are small, numerous, arranged in clusters, white. The fruit is a globose drupe, fleshy, brown when ripe, edible. Deliverable Healthy plant in its...

Punica granatum Or Pomegranate Tree شجرة الرمان

Dhs. 63.00

Punica granatum Or Pomegranate Tree شجرة الرمان is upright, sometimes spiny shrub or small, rounded tree with opposite, narrowly oblong, glossy, bright green leaves, coppery or red-veined when young, to 8cm long. Over a long period in summer, bears funnel-shaped, 5-petalled, bright orange-red flowers, to 4cm across, singly or in clusters of up to 5, followed by spherical, yellow-brown, edible...

Strawberry Plant “Fragaria ananassa” Organic

Dhs. 7.00

Strawberry is cultivated worldwide for their fruit. The fruit is widely appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy texture, and sweetness. It is consumed in large quantities, either fresh or in such prepared foods as jam, juice, pies, ice cream, milkshakes, and chocolates. Artificial strawberry flavorings and aromas are also widely used in products such as candy, soap, lip gloss,...

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