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Wedelia trilobata is a Creeping, evergreen perennial. Rooting at the leaf nodes and spreading widely. The elliptic or obovate, mid- to dark green leaves, 12cm long, are usually 3-lobed, sometimes entire or barely lobed. Solitary, daisy-like yellow flowerheads, 2cm across, are borne from late spring to autumn. Wedelia trilobata is also known as Creeping Daisy, Water Zinnia or Rabbit’s Paw. Deliverable Healthy...
Dhs. 2.50
Setcreasea purpurea or Purple Heart Plant is trailing perennial producing ascending purple stems. Large, pointed, narrowly oblong leaves, 8-15cm long, are V-shaped in section, and fleshy, hairless, rich violet-purple. In summer, bears bright pink flowers in paired, terminal cymes. Leaves colour best in bright sunlight and when the root zone is slightly dry and cramped. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot...
Dhs. 13.00
Dianella tasmanica “Variegata” or Tasman Flax-lily is tufted, perennial forming clumps of strap-shaped, stiff, rough-margined leaves, to 1.2m long, sometimes also producing tall, cane-like stems with tufts of smaller leaves at the top. Branching panicles, to 60cm long, of star-shaped, lavender-blue to violet flowers, to 2cm across, with pale yellow anthers, are borne in early summer, followed by persistent, oblong-ovoid,...
Dhs. 3.90
Asparagus sprengeri, Emerald feather or Emerald fern is ever-green, arching, tuberous perennial with feathery, linear, leaf-like, light green stems, to 1.5cm long. In summer, bears axillary racemes of small white flowers followed by bright red berries. Height 60-90cm, Spread 1-1.2m. South Africa. ‘Sprengeri’ has arching then pendent stems, giving an open, loose appearance, and needle-like, leaf-like stems, 5-15mm long, borne...
Dhs. 1.95
Alternanthera Red is Mat-forming to erect perenial with elliptic to obovate, pointed, mid-green leaves, 2.5cm long, which are marked with combinations of red, orange, purple, and yellow. Insignificant white flowers are produced in spherical to ovoid, axillary spikes, 3-10mm long. Height 20-30cm, Spread indefinite. Native to Mexico, South America. var. amoena syn. A. amoena, is dwarf, with lance-shaped to elliptic,...
Dhs. 7.50
Aloe Vera is Clump-forming, suckering succulent. Allow produce basal rosettes of lance-shaped, fleshy, grey-green. Leaves are 45cm long, slightly grooved above, with toothed pink margins. In summer. Bears tubular yellow flowers, to 3cm long and 90cm or more long. Sometimes with up to 4 branches. Height 60cm, Spread indefinite. Propagation can be done by splitting sucker. Aloe also helps to...
Dhs. 1.90
Portulacaria afra known as Elephant Bush, many-branched, succulent shrub with a thick, fleshy stem and elliptic, glossy, mid-green leaves, sometimes red-margined, 2-4cm long. Bears star-shaped, white to pale pink flowers, to 8mm across, in autumn. Height 2m or more, Spread 1m or more. Native of South Africa. It is easily grown as a seasonal accent plant or low maintenance houseplant...
Dhs. 5.00
Pennisetum setaceum, African Fountain Grass or Tender Fountain Grass is known as African Fountain grass or Tender Fountain Grass. Native to East Africa. Commonly used in commercial projects in Dubai and UAE. It is drought tolerant and fast growing grass. Mound-forming, densely tufted, deciduous perennial grass, often grown as an annual, with upright, narrowly linear, flat or rolled, rough-textured, mid-green...