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Go to the shopDhs. 7.50
Aloe Vera is Clump-forming, suckering succulent. Allow produce basal rosettes of lance-shaped, fleshy, grey-green. Leaves are 45cm long, slightly grooved above, with toothed pink margins. In summer. Bears tubular yellow flowers, to 3cm long and 90cm or more long. Sometimes with up to 4 branches. Height 60cm, Spread indefinite. Propagation can be done by splitting sucker. Aloe also helps to...
Dhs. 30.00
Chrysalidocarpus lutescens is also know as Areca Palm, Butterfly Palm, Golden Cane Palm, Madagascar Palm. Small palm with clustered stems, at first covered with yellow leaf bases. The leaves, 1-2m long, have numerous slender, lance-shaped, usually yellow-green leaflets. In summer, bears yellow flowers in panicles to 60cm long. Height 9m, Spread 6m. Native to Madagascar.
Dhs. 110.00
Just like other Scindapsus, Scindapsus Brasil is in the category of most air purifying plant. It is fast growing plant and cover ceilings, walls and closets etc. it is a hanging and climbing plant and a single plant transfor
Dhs. 110.25
Satin Pothos Hanging is one of the most popular & easy to grow houseplants. With a trailing, vine-like habit, attractive heart-shaped leaves, an ability to help purify the air. Pothos has numerous common names, including golden pothos, hunter’s robe, ivy arum, money plant, and taro vine.
Dhs. 85.00
Araucaria heterophylla is a green live plant is a beautiful and tall indoor plant known for its unique and striking appearance. Also known as the Norfolk Island Pine, it is native to the South Pacific and well-adapted to indoor environments. The Araucaria plant features a tall, narrow trunk that supports a lush canopy of dense, dark green foliage. It can...
Dhs. 95.00
Alocasia wentii is somewhat hardier than most types of Alocasia. The leaves have glossy green topsides and purplish reverses, it grows as an evergreen herbaceous perennial in the shady, humid understorey layers of rainforests. The large, shiny leaves on strong stems make it a handsome houseplant. Alocasia wentii is commonly known as Hardy Elephant’s ears or Elephant’s ears. Plant Care In...
Dhs. 55.00
Aglaonema Sp (wishes) is a small colorful houseplant and easy to grow. Enjoy them in high, medium, or low light. Water once a week or every couple. They’re fine and continue looking fabulous. They’re easy to care for and looks beautiful in dish gardens or in small decorative containers. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the tips...
Dhs. 45.00
Aglaonema is commonly used indoor plant in interior landscape. Commonly called as “Chinese Evergreen plant”. Pattaya Beauty is easy to care and great for use in an office or home. Aglaonema, Pattaya Beauty is tolerant of lower light levels, often found in the home or office. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil Free delivery on orders over AED...