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Ziziphus Spina Christi or Sidr Tree سدر

Dhs. 69.00

Ziziphus Spina Christi is Evergreen tree with an irregular rounded crown. The trunk is short with rough, gray-brown bark. Leaves are small, alternate, and ovate to oval, with a rounded apex, dark, shiny green, with stipular spines. Flowers are small, numerous, arranged in clusters, white. The fruit is a globose drupe, fleshy, brown when ripe, edible. Deliverable Healthy plant in its...

Cordia sebestena or Orange Geiger Tree

Dhs. 70.00

Cordia sebestena is dense, rounded, evergreen native tree grows slowly to a height of 25 feet with an equal spread and can develop a trunk 12 inches thick. The large, seven-inch-long, stiff, dark green leaves are rough and hairy, feeling much like sandpaper. Appearing throughout the year, but especially in spring and summer, are dark orange, two-inch-wide flowers which appear...

Ornamental Sunflower “Helianthus annuus” 0.4-0.5m

Dhs. 17.00

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is a fast-growing tall annual plant that grows about 90 – 300cm in height. They are mainly characterized by their Summer bloom flowers, which are of huge shape with yellow petals and dark chocolate disk at the center. Emerged in an upright stalk, these Sunflowers tend to follow the morning Sunlight until night. Their central disk attracts...

Adenium obesum Or Desert Rose وردة الصحراء

Dhs. 35.00

Adenium obesum or Desert Rose وردة الصحراء is variable, perennial succulent shrub with a thick, usually bottle-shaped, twisted, greyish brown caudex, often more than 1m long and tapering to a many-branched tip. Upright, succulent brown branches produce ovate, grey-green leaves, to 10cm long. Red, pink, or white flowers, to 4-6cm across, are borne in small terminal corymbs throughout summer, sometimes...

Hymenocallis littoralis or Spider Lilly

Dhs. 15.00

Hymenocallis littoralis or Spider Lilly is a bulbous plant. Leaves are long, fleshy, up to 60cm long, 5cm wide, glossy green. Flowers are in sessile umbel, white, with extra long tube, up to 20cm long, the segments narrow, and the corona deep. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the tips and tricks for expert-level care Safe arrival...

Carissa grandiflora “Prostrata Natal Plum”

Dhs. 3.00

Carissa grandiflora ‘Prostrata’ (Natal Plum) is many-branched, spiny shrub with ovate, rich green leaves, to 7cm long. Fragrant, waxy, white, jasmine-like flowers, 5cm wide, are borne in terminal or axillary cymes, to 10cm long, in late spring; they are followed by plum-like, ovoid-ellipsoid, red to purple-black fruit, 5cm long. Height 2-3m or more, Spread 3m or more. Native of S....

Canna indica or Canna Green

Dhs. 13.00

Canna indica or Canna Green is rhizomatous perennial with ovate-lance-shaped to oblong, dark green, often bronze-tinted leaves, to 50cm long. Racemes or panicles of iris-like, bright red or soft orange flowers, 5-7cm across. Height 1.5-2.2m, Spread 50cm. Native to tropical and subtropical South America. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the tips and tricks for expert-level care...

Jasminum sambac “The Arabian Jasmine”

Dhs. 11.00

Jasminum sambac “The Arabian Jasmine” is evergreen, twining climber or scrambler with angular stems and bushy growth. Lustrous, dark green leaves, some in whorls of 3, others opposite, are reduced to one broadly ovate leaflet, to 8cm long. Produces small cymes of 3-12 salverform, storngly scented white flowers, 2.5cm across, fading to pink, mainly in summer, but often irregularly throughout...

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