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Sansevieria trifasciata

Dhs. 80.00

Sansevieria trifasciata or  Snake plant is known as Mother in law’s tongue. Sansevieria trifasciata is beautiful perennial with pointed, lance-shaped, fleshy leaves. Snake plant can grow 0.6 – 1.2m or more long, horizontally marbled and banded dark and light green. Racemes, 30-75cm long, of tubular, green or greenish white flowers, 6-10mm long, are produced intermittently. Dwarf cultivars are suitable for growing...

Portulacaria afra “Elephant Bush”

Dhs. 1.90

Portulacaria afra known as Elephant Bush, many-branched, succulent shrub with a thick, fleshy stem and elliptic, glossy, mid-green leaves, sometimes red-margined, 2-4cm long. Bears star-shaped, white to pale pink flowers, to 8mm across, in autumn. Height 2m or more, Spread 1m or more. Native of South Africa. It is easily grown as a seasonal accent plant or low maintenance houseplant...