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Go to the shopDhs. 7.75
It is highly nutritious and is also believed to have medicinal properties. Green Mallow is one of those miracle plants where the whole plant is edible. The leaves and young fruits are used as a vegetable, the dried leaves are used for tea and as a soup thickener, and the seeds are edible.It is also a great source of iron, calcium,...
Dhs. 7.75
Hot Pepper is an excellent drying pepper with great taste and rich color. Fruits measure 1 inch at the shoulder and taper to 5-6 inches long. Extremely vigorous and easy-to-grow.. It can be used at any color stage. Add a new flavor to salads or garnishes.
Dhs. 11.50
Medium tall plants, Dark green shiny, uniform & smooth pods.– Deep cut leaves hybrid with tolerance to YVMV.– Fruit length 11-12 cm.– Easy pickings, transportability, and early maturity.– First picking is 40-45 days after sowing. Total 25-30 pickings.– Tentative yield/acre : 5-7MT.
Dhs. 16.00
Leek “Porro Carentan” Organic Seeds by Franchi is a late variety from France. Medium sized variety with large leaves and good sized white stalks of medium length. Leek Carentan is resistant to lower temperatures and it’s dated to about 1880.
Dhs. 16.00
Summer Marvel is a butter-head lettuce that is a true delight. This lettuce is easy to grow, relatively tolerant of hot weather, and harvestable from baby to full size. Its leaves are very crisp, like Romaine but sweet and juicy, and without bitterness. The plants are at first open, like loose leaf lettuces, then mature to a heavy, compact bunch...
Dhs. 13.00
Marigold Tall Double Mix gives height and colour to bedding and border displays. This flower prefers full sun exposure with a dry and moderate moisture type of soil. Marigolds are very popular as cut flowers and garden plants. The flowers will bloom all summer long and require hardly any attention.
Dhs. 16.00
Marrow “Zucchino Nero Di Milano” Organic Seeds by Franchi is heritage variety which is very dark skinned organic variety looks almost black. This variety is a traditional one from milan and the lombardy area and is found only there
Dhs. 16.00
Melon Charentais produces small, lightly sutured and round fruit. It has a green exterior with darker stripes centered in each suture. Very aromatic and has a salmon-colored flesh. It is considered to be one of the top-selling melon in the market. This melon can also be used as a breakfast fruit and as a salad ingredient.Melon Charentais are best grown...