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Go to the shopDhs. 125.00
Aeschynanthus Mona Lisa, Nothing brightens up a room like a beautiful flowering plant. The Aeschynanthus lipstick vine has pointy, waxy leaves and blooms with bright clusters of flowers. Growing lipstick plants is not difficult, and with proper care you get rewarded with continuous flowers. Vivid red blossoms emerge from a dark maroon bud reminiscent of a tube of lipstick. Deliverable Healthy...
Dhs. 19.00
Asparagus is normally found in a hanging basket, decorating the deck or patio in summer and helping to clean indoor air in winter. The fern plant is not really a fern at all, but a member of the Liliaceae family. When growing asparagus ferns outside, place them in part sun to shady location for best foliage growth.
Dhs. 85.00
Peperomia angulaga is commonly known as the green leaf peperomia, and has a similarity with watermelon peperomia in terms of the leaf pattern resembling of a watermelon. Native to South America, the Peperomia angulata is a perennial plant species found covering forest grounds with its quick spreading nature. Although its growth habit is upright it’s also slightly trailing in nature. Patterned...
Dhs. 110.25
Satin Pothos Hanging is one of the most popular & easy to grow houseplants. With a trailing, vine-like habit, attractive heart-shaped leaves, an ability to help purify the air. Pothos has numerous common names, including golden pothos, hunter’s robe, ivy arum, money plant, and taro vine.
Dhs. 149.00
The common name burrito sedum refers to Sedum morganianum “Burrito,” a cultivar of sedum also known as burro’s tail and grown for its long, trailing stems and plump, densely packed foliage. Sedums are relatively hardy and thrive with little hands-on care. However, they must be regularly watered during the active growing season and provided with suitable levels of light and...
Dhs. 79.00
Senecio peregrinus or String of Dolphins are native to South Africa, where in their natural habitat they grow as creeping vines on the ground, with their stems crawling and rooting wherever the stems touch the ground. They usually grow in the shade, protected by other taller plants or rocks. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the...
Dhs. 65.00
Senecio radicans or string of bananas is native to South Africa, the string of bananas is a part of the Asteraceae family and is characterized by glossy, banana-shaped leaves that grow on long, hanging tendrils. It makes an excellent hanging houseplant or can be trained to grow upwards on a trellis or moss pole depending on the look you are going for. String of...
Dhs. 20.00
Tradescantia purpusii, commonly known as the Purple Heart or Purple Queen, is a low-maintenance and trailing plant with attractive purple foliage, The plant is named for its striking purple or burgundy leaves, which are typically lance-shaped and grow in opposite pairs along the stems, In its natural habitat, this plant can produce small pink or white flowers, when grown indoors as...