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Go to the shopDhs. 20.00
Conocarpus erectus locally known as Damas tree is a variety that usually grows as a low branching shrub with several trunks, but under ideal conditions silver buttonwood can become a handsome vase-shaped tree up to 50 ft tall with a 20 ft spread. The evergreen leaves are oblong to lance-shaped, 2-3 inches long and arranged alternately. The leaves of silver Damas...
Dhs. 18.00
Lantana Camara, often prickly-stemmed shrubs with ovate, finely wrinkled, slightly toothed, deep green leaves, 5-10cm long. Flowerheads, 2.5-5cm across, in colours ranging from white to yellow and salmon-pink to red or purple, are borne from late spring to late autumn. ‘Cream Carpet’ is low and speading, with creamy white flowers; Height 30cm, Spread 75cm. ‘Fabiola’ bears bicoloured, salmon-pink and yellow...
Dhs. 1,150.00
Phoenix dactylifera or Date palm النخلة is tall, sometimes suckering palm producing a columnar trunk usually clad with old leaf bases, at least towards the top. Leaves, 4-6m long, are composed of many linear, greyish green leaflets, the lowest ones reduced to spines, arranged in various planes giving a 3-dimensional effect. Bowl-shaped cream flowers appear in long-stalked panicles, 1.5-2m long,...
Dhs. 69.00
Ziziphus Spina Christi is Evergreen tree with an irregular rounded crown. The trunk is short with rough, gray-brown bark. Leaves are small, alternate, and ovate to oval, with a rounded apex, dark, shiny green, with stipular spines. Flowers are small, numerous, arranged in clusters, white. The fruit is a globose drupe, fleshy, brown when ripe, edible. Deliverable Healthy plant in its...
Dhs. 10.00
Toothbrush tree is a small, evergreen shrub or tree that grows in hot, dry conditions in parts of Africa, the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula. It is valued as a medicinal plant by local people, since it contains a number of active compounds that promote good health. The fruits of S. persica are edible and have a pungent taste....
Dhs. 500.00
Scientific Name: Phoenix Roebelenii Common Name: Pygmy Date Palm Tree, Dwarf Date Palm, Miniature Date Palm. Family:Arecaceae Description: A small to medium-sized, slow-growing slender tree growing to 2–7 m tall. The leaves are 24–47 in long, pinnate, with around 100 leaflets arranged in a single plane. Uses: Used for popularly ornamental plant in gardens, suitable...