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Gymnocalycium mix 10-15cm

Dhs. 35.00

Gymnocalycium mix is a solitary, slowly growing cactus, densely covered with incredibly strong twisted spines pointing sidewards and downward. This cactus gets its common name, “chin cactus” from its rounded ribs with horizontal separations that create the effect of a row of chin shaped bumps.  Flowers appear in early summer and the color depends on the species. Deliverable Healthy plant in...

Senecio rowleyanus “String of Pearls” 10-15cm spread

Dhs. 35.00

Senecio rowleyanus, String of Pearls, String of Peas or String of Beads are native to South Africa, where in their natural habitat they grow as creeping vines on the ground, with their stems crawling and rooting wherever the stems touch the ground. They usually grow in the shade, protected by other taller plants or rocks. They get their common name...