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Cowpea Agrimax Seeds

Dhs. 10.00

The cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is an annual herbaceous legume from the genus Vigna. Its tolerance for sandy soil and low rainfall have made it an important crop in the semiarid regions across Africa and Asia. It requires very few inputs, as the plant’s root nodules are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen, making it a valuable crop for resource-poor farmers and well-suited to intercropping...

Bitter melon Agrimax Seeds

Dhs. 7.75

Bitter Melon is a long and slender, similar to the shape of a standard cucumber with a rough, warty edible skin. It has an oof white translucent, crisp and bitter flesh and bears flat white bitter seeds. The fruit is harvested young when still green.

Kirti Plus Hybrid Okra Seeds 10g

Dhs. 11.50

Medium tall plants, Dark green shiny, uniform & smooth pods.– Deep cut leaves hybrid with tolerance to YVMV.– Fruit length 11-12 cm.– Easy pickings, transportability, and early maturity.– First picking is 40-45 days after sowing. Total 25-30 pickings.– Tentative yield/acre : 5-7MT.