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Musa paradisiaca Or Banana Tree “1.2m-2.5m” شجرة الموز

Dhs. 70.00

Manilkara zapota Or Chicko Tree شجرة الشيكو a superb shade, street (where falling fruit will not be a problem), or fruit tree, Sopadilla reaches a height of 45 feet with a 40-foot spread. The smooth, dark, and glossy, six-inch-long evergreen leaves are clustered at the tips of twigs and the small, cream-colored solitary flowers appear in the leaf axils throughout...

Musa paradisiaca “Banana Tree” 0.5-0.8m شجرة الموز

Dhs. 34.00

Musa paradisiaca “Banana Tree” شجرة الموز is upright, very variable, suckering perennial with oblong, mid-green leaf-blades, to 1.5m long. Pendent clusters of yellow flowers, with reddish purple bracts, are produced irregularly throughout the year. Seedless yellow fruit, to 20cm long, borne in long bunches, have sweet-tasting white pulp.