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Go to the shopDhs. 55.00
Morus alba or Mulberry tree (توت) is spreading medium tree with ovate to heart-shaped, sometimes lobed, glossy, bright green leaves, to 20cm long, truning yellow in autumn. Ovoid, insipid-tasting white fruit, to 3 – 5cm long, ripening to white and yellow, are borne in late summer. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the tips and tricks for...
Dhs. 59.00
Calathea Network has beautifully decorated leaves and is an unusually graceful plant for any home. An easy plant to care for but do not allow it to dry out. Calathea plant likes bright indirect light. Too much direct sunlight will burn the leaves.
Dhs. 115.00
Lime ‘Binzaheer’ Key lime (Citrus × aurantiifolia) is a citrus hybrid (C. micrantha x C. medica) with a spherical fruit, 2.5–5 cm (0.98–1.97 in) in diameter, that is yellow when ripe but usually picked green commercially. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the tips and tricks for expert-level care
Dhs. 45.00
The Mangifera indica, mango tree or شجرة المانجو is erect, 30 to 100 ft (roughly 10-30 m) high, with a broad, rounded canopy which may, with age, attain 100 to 125 ft (30-38 m) in width, or a more upright, oval, relatively slender crown. In deep soil, the taproot descends to a depth of 20 ft (6 in), the profuse, wide-spreading, feeder...
Dhs. 65.00
Mimosa pudica, In Latin pudica means shy, bashful or shrinking. Mimosa is also called sensitive plant, sleepy plant, action plant, touch-me-not, shameplant. Mimosa is a creeping annual or perennial flowering plant of the pea/legume family Fabaceae. It is often grown for its curiosity value: the compound leaves fold inward and droop when touched or shaken, defending themselves from harm, and re-open a few minutes later In the UK it...
Dhs. 165.00
Olea europea or Olive Tree شجرة زيتون is slow-growing, evergreen tree, developing a rounded head, with opposite, leathery, elliptic to lance-shaped, irregularly toothed leaves, to 8cm long, grey-green above, silvery grey-green beneath. Tiny, fragrant, creamy white flowers are borne in axillary panicles, to 5cm long, in summer, followed by edible, spherical to ovoid green fruit (olives), to 4cm long, ripening...
Dhs. 34.00
Musa paradisiaca “Banana Tree” شجرة الموز is upright, very variable, suckering perennial with oblong, mid-green leaf-blades, to 1.5m long. Pendent clusters of yellow flowers, with reddish purple bracts, are produced irregularly throughout the year. Seedless yellow fruit, to 20cm long, borne in long bunches, have sweet-tasting white pulp.
Dhs. 30.00
Caladiums are known for their big, heart-shaped leaves that display amazing color combinations of white, pink, red and green. These are plants that thrive in hot, humid weather and that usually grow best in full to partial shade. Though caladiums rarely flower, their beautiful foliage guarantees a colorful show wherever they are planted — beneath trees, between shrubs, in perennial borders and in containers....