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Go to the shopDhs. 162.00
Livistona chinensis, Chinese Fan Palm or Fountain Palm is medium-sized palm with an erect, robust trunk swollen at the base, the upper part covered with fibrous leaf bases, at least at first. Glossy, rich green leaves, to 2m long, with shorter, spiny leaf-stalks, are divided for up to two-thirds of their leangth into many linear, pendent segments. Cream flowers are...
Dhs. 42.00
Tillandsia Juncifolia makes a colorful hanging air plant with lime green foliage and red tips when in blush. Very drought-tolerant and easy to grow. Looks great in a hanging air planter or desktop planter.
Dhs. 140.00
Phoenix roebelenii or Miniature date palm is Small, sometimes clustering palm, often with a narrow skirt of dead leaves. Living leaves, 1-1.2m long, have many linear, bright deep green leaflets, sometimes with flattened, scale-like hairs beneath. Bowl-shaped cream flowers appear in panicles, to 45cm long, usually in summer, followed by ellipsoid, edible black fruit, to 1cm long.
Dhs. 63.00
Washingtonia robusta is known as Mexican Fan Palm المكسيكية فان بالم. Is commonly seen at 40 to 50 feet but capable of soaring to 80 feet in height, Washington Palm is quickly recognized as the much-used, straight, singletrunked street palm of years past. The lower leaves persist on the tree after they die, forming a dense, brown, shaggy covering below the living, bright green,...
Dhs. 85.00
Zamia furfuracea is also known as Cardboard palm. Is a small cycad with a partly underground, simple or rarely branched, cylindrical trunk. Bears terminal whorls of semi-erect to spreading, pinnate leaves, to 1m long, each with up to 24 oblong or inversely lance-shaped to obovate, stiff, pale green leaflets, later olive-green, with red-brown hairs. Produces felted, red-brown female flower cones,...
Dhs. 20.00
Tradescantia purpusii, commonly known as the Purple Heart or Purple Queen, is a low-maintenance and trailing plant with attractive purple foliage, The plant is named for its striking purple or burgundy leaves, which are typically lance-shaped and grow in opposite pairs along the stems, In its natural habitat, this plant can produce small pink or white flowers, when grown indoors as...
Dhs. 79.00
Senecio peregrinus or String of Dolphins are native to South Africa, where in their natural habitat they grow as creeping vines on the ground, with their stems crawling and rooting wherever the stems touch the ground. They usually grow in the shade, protected by other taller plants or rocks. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the...
Dhs. 165.00
Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Areca palm or Butterfly palm is small palm with clustered stems, at first covered with yellow leaf bases. The leaves, 1-2m long, have numerous slender, lance-shaped, usually yellow-green leaflets. In summer, bears yellow flowers in panicles to 60cm long. Height 9m, Spread 6m. Native of Madagascar