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Rhapis excelsa

Dhs. 130.00

Common name of Rhaphis excelsa is lady palm سيدة النخيل or miniature fan palm. Small, clump-forming palm with slender, erect, bamboo- or reed-like stems. The long-stalked, deeply lobed, lustrous, dark green leaves, 20-30cm long, each have 3-10 broadly to narrowly lance-shaped, puckered lobes. Tiny, bowl-shaped cream flowers are borne in panicles, to 12cm long, among the leaves, in summer.

Sansevieria trifasciata

Dhs. 80.00

Sansevieria trifasciata or  Snake plant is known as Mother in law’s tongue. Sansevieria trifasciata is beautiful perennial with pointed, lance-shaped, fleshy leaves. Snake plant can grow 0.6 – 1.2m or more long, horizontally marbled and banded dark and light green. Racemes, 30-75cm long, of tubular, green or greenish white flowers, 6-10mm long, are produced intermittently. Dwarf cultivars are suitable for growing...

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