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Olea europea or Olive Tree “1.0m-2.2m” شجرة زيتون

Dhs. 165.00

Olea europea or Olive Tree شجرة زيتون is slow-growing, evergreen tree, developing a rounded head, with opposite, leathery, elliptic to lance-shaped, irregularly toothed leaves, to 8cm long, grey-green above, silvery grey-green beneath. Tiny, fragrant, creamy white flowers are borne in axillary panicles, to 5cm long, in summer, followed by edible, spherical to ovoid green fruit (olives), to 4cm long, ripening...

Musa paradisiaca “Banana Tree” 0.5-0.8m شجرة الموز

Dhs. 34.00

Musa paradisiaca “Banana Tree” شجرة الموز is upright, very variable, suckering perennial with oblong, mid-green leaf-blades, to 1.5m long. Pendent clusters of yellow flowers, with reddish purple bracts, are produced irregularly throughout the year. Seedless yellow fruit, to 20cm long, borne in long bunches, have sweet-tasting white pulp.

Ficus benjamina “Weeping Fig” 130-150cm

Dhs. 150.00

Ficus Benjamina is evergreen tree or large shrub, sometimes a strangler, with slender, arching to pendent stems and ovate-elliptic, thinly leathery, glossy leaves, dark green above, lighter beneath, 5-13cm long, each tapering to a slender, twisted point. Spherical to oblong figs, 1cm long, produced in pairs, mature from green through pink or orange-red to black. ‘Variegata’ has white-splashed leaves.

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