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Ananas Comosus | Pineapple Plant 0.4-0.7m

Dhs. 47.00

Ananas comosus or Pineapple is a plant that requires soil that is rich and well-drained to grow well. Special Bromeliaceae soil mix seems to be the best solution for your ananas comosus. Ananas comosus never grows far-reaching roots, which is why a small pot, about 6 inches (15 cm), is more than enough. You will only need to repot when you want to split new shoots from...

Sansevieria trifasciata

Dhs. 80.00

Sansevieria trifasciata or  Snake plant is known as Mother in law’s tongue. Sansevieria trifasciata is beautiful perennial with pointed, lance-shaped, fleshy leaves. Snake plant can grow 0.6 – 1.2m or more long, horizontally marbled and banded dark and light green. Racemes, 30-75cm long, of tubular, green or greenish white flowers, 6-10mm long, are produced intermittently. Dwarf cultivars are suitable for growing...

Beaucarnea recurvata

Dhs. 250.00

Beaucarnea recurvata is also known as Ponytail Palm, Bottle Palm, Nolina, Elephant-foot Tree. The ponytail is a weird palmlike succulent with a greatly expanded base and a single trunk with a rosette of long, straplike leaves that arch and droop. With age, the trunk eventually develops a few branches. Ponytail can get up to 30 ft (9.1 m) tall and...

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