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Go to the shopDhs. 38.00
Allamanda cathartica or Golden trumpet is a tropical twining vine with deeply veined, whorled leaves and large, trumpet shaped bright yellow flowers. Prickly seed pods follow the flowers with winged seeds that fly about when the pod dries and breaks open. Allamanda is perennial in tropical climates and may be treated as an annual or brought inside during cold weather...
Dhs. 95.00
Alocasia wentii is somewhat hardier than most types of Alocasia. The leaves have glossy green topsides and purplish reverses, it grows as an evergreen herbaceous perennial in the shady, humid understorey layers of rainforests. The large, shiny leaves on strong stems make it a handsome houseplant. Alocasia wentii is commonly known as Hardy Elephant’s ears or Elephant’s ears. Plant Care In...
Dhs. 8.00
Aloe Vera is Clump-forming, suckering succulent. Allow produce basal rosettes of lance-shaped, fleshy, grey-green. Leaves are 45cm long, slightly grooved above, with toothed pink margins. In summer. Bears tubular yellow flowers, to 3cm long and 90cm or more long. Sometimes with up to 4 branches. Height 60cm, Spread indefinite. Propagation can be done by splitting sucker. Aloe also helps to...
Dhs. 7.50
Aloe Vera is Clump-forming, suckering succulent. Allow produce basal rosettes of lance-shaped, fleshy, grey-green. Leaves are 45cm long, slightly grooved above, with toothed pink margins. In summer. Bears tubular yellow flowers, to 3cm long and 90cm or more long. Sometimes with up to 4 branches. Height 60cm, Spread indefinite. Propagation can be done by splitting sucker. Aloe also helps to...
Dhs. 7.50
Aloe Vera is Clump-forming, suckering succulent. Allow produce basal rosettes of lance-shaped, fleshy, grey-green. Leaves are 45cm long, slightly grooved above, with toothed pink margins. In summer. Bears tubular yellow flowers, to 3cm long and 90cm or more long. Sometimes with up to 4 branches. Height 60cm, Spread indefinite. Propagation can be done by splitting sucker. Aloe also helps to...
Dhs. 7.50
Aloe Vera is Clump-forming, suckering succulent. Allow produce basal rosettes of lance-shaped, fleshy, grey-green. Leaves are 45cm long, slightly grooved above, with toothed pink margins. In summer. Bears tubular yellow flowers, to 3cm long and 90cm or more long. Sometimes with up to 4 branches. Height 60cm, Spread indefinite. Propagation can be done by splitting sucker. Aloe also helps to...
Dhs. 7.50
Aloe vera Aloe vera الألوة فيرا is also known as Medicinal Aloe or Savila. It can grown in partial to full sun with a little water. Ideal for planting outdoors in UAE climate. Description Aloe Vera is Clump-forming, suckering succulent. Allow produce basal rosettes of lance-shaped, fleshy, grey-green. Leaves are 45cm long, slightly grooved above, with toothed pink margins. In summer. Bears tubular...
Dhs. 2.00
Alternanthera ficoidea ‘Gold’ is mat-forming to erect perenial with elliptic to obovate, pointed, mid-green leaves, 2.5cm long, which are marked with combinations of red, orange, purple, and yellow. Insignificant white flowers are produced in spherical to ovoid, axillary spikes, 3-10mm long. Height 20-30cm, Spread indefinite. Native to Mexico, South America. var. amoena syn. A. amoena, is dwarf, with lance-shaped to...