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Go to the shopDhs. 14.00
Fittonia is often called the “nerve plant” or “mosaic plant” due to the bright, contrasting veins that run through the leaves. There are many cultivars of the nerve plant that feature many different styles of veining and foliage. The plant is native to the warm, humid regions of South America – especially Peru. This makes fittonia require care that is...
Dhs. 40.00
Gardenia jasminoides, the gardenia, cape jasmine كيب ياسمين, cape jessamine, danh-danh, or jasmin is Medium to large shrub, or sometimes small tree, frequently bushy, with ovate, elliptic, or lance-shaped, glossy, deep green leaves, 10cm or more long, usually borne in whorls of 3. Usually grown in its double-flowered variants. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the tips and tricks for expert-level care Most plants arrive...
Dhs. 75.00
Guzmania is a popular genus of bromeliad. Common name is the Scarlet Star. Guzmania bromeliads are stunning tabletop plants. They feature long, narrow, shiny green leaves that rise from a deep central cup. Guzmania are not difficult bromeliads to grow, and they will reward you with many weeks of color with little or no effort. Provide morning sun or very bright,...
Dhs. 35.00
Gymnocalycium mix is a solitary, slowly growing cactus, densely covered with incredibly strong twisted spines pointing sidewards and downward. This cactus gets its common name, “chin cactus” from its rounded ribs with horizontal separations that create the effect of a row of chin shaped bumps. Flowers appear in early summer and the color depends on the species. Deliverable Healthy plant in...
Dhs. 25.00
Haworthia fasciata ‘Concolor’ or Concolor Zebra Cactus is specie of cactus plant. Native to South Africa. ‘Big Band‘ resembles an ocean anemone or urchin found in a coral reef, but with stripes like a zebra. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil Free delivery on orders over AED 500.00, most plants arrive within a week All the tips and tricks...
Dhs. 15.75
Hedera helix, English Ivy الإنجليزية اللبلاب or Just Ivy is a specie of flowering plant, native to Europe and Western Asia. This clinging evergreen vineis a familiar sight in gardens, on house walls, tree trunks and in wild areas across its native habitat. Suitable to plant indoors in UAE. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the tips and...
Dhs. 190.00
Howea forsteriana, Kentia Palm or Thatch palm is a species of flowering plant in the palm family Arecaeae. It is a relatively slow-growing palm, eventually growing up to 10 m tall by 6 m wide. The palm is an elegant plant, and is popular for growing indoors, requiring little light. Out of doors, it prefers a tropical region but will also grow in a cooler climate. Deliverable Healthy plant in...
Dhs. 57.00
Hydrangea mix is the most commonly grown species for the cut flower industry is Hydrangea Macrophylla and is available in a vast range of colors. Hydrangeas are excellent for a range of garden sites from group plantings to shrub borders to containers.