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Go to the shopDhs. 55.00
Morus alba or Mulberry tree (توت) is spreading medium tree with ovate to heart-shaped, sometimes lobed, glossy, bright green leaves, to 20cm long, truning yellow in autumn. Ovoid, insipid-tasting white fruit, to 3 – 5cm long, ripening to white and yellow, are borne in late summer. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the tips and tricks for...
Dhs. 70.00
Manilkara zapota Or Chicko Tree شجرة الشيكو a superb shade, street (where falling fruit will not be a problem), or fruit tree, Sopadilla reaches a height of 45 feet with a 40-foot spread. The smooth, dark, and glossy, six-inch-long evergreen leaves are clustered at the tips of twigs and the small, cream-colored solitary flowers appear in the leaf axils throughout...
Dhs. 70.00
Manilkara zapota Or Chicko Tree شجرة الشيكو a superb shade, street (where falling fruit will not be a problem), or fruit tree, Sopadilla reaches a height of 45 feet with a 40-foot spread. The smooth, dark, and glossy, six-inch-long evergreen leaves are clustered at the tips of twigs and the small, cream-colored solitary flowers appear in the leaf axils throughout...
Dhs. 34.00
Musa paradisiaca “Banana Tree” شجرة الموز is upright, very variable, suckering perennial with oblong, mid-green leaf-blades, to 1.5m long. Pendent clusters of yellow flowers, with reddish purple bracts, are produced irregularly throughout the year. Seedless yellow fruit, to 20cm long, borne in long bunches, have sweet-tasting white pulp.
Dhs. 165.00
Olea europea or Olive Tree شجرة زيتون is slow-growing, evergreen tree, developing a rounded head, with opposite, leathery, elliptic to lance-shaped, irregularly toothed leaves, to 8cm long, grey-green above, silvery grey-green beneath. Tiny, fragrant, creamy white flowers are borne in axillary panicles, to 5cm long, in summer, followed by edible, spherical to ovoid green fruit (olives), to 4cm long, ripening...
Dhs. 72.00
Psidium guajava Or Guava Tree is an Evergreen shrub or small tree to 9 m (30 ft) tall, with scaly greenish-brown bark and young branches 4-angled, pubescent. Leaves opposite, simple, short stalked, entire, oval to oblong-elliptic, to 15 cm (6 in) long, pubescent below, with veins impressed above and conspicuously raised below. Flowers white, fragrant, to 4 cm (1.6 in)...
Dhs. 63.00
Punica granatum Or Pomegranate Tree شجرة الرمان is upright, sometimes spiny shrub or small, rounded tree with opposite, narrowly oblong, glossy, bright green leaves, coppery or red-veined when young, to 8cm long. Over a long period in summer, bears funnel-shaped, 5-petalled, bright orange-red flowers, to 4cm across, singly or in clusters of up to 5, followed by spherical, yellow-brown, edible...
Dhs. 110.00
Just like other Scindapsus, Scindapsus Brasil is in the category of most air purifying plant. It is fast growing plant and cover ceilings, walls and closets etc. it is a hanging and climbing plant and a single plant transfor