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Olea europea or Olive Tree “1.0m-2.2m” شجرة زيتون

Dhs. 165.00

Olea europea or Olive Tree شجرة زيتون is slow-growing, evergreen tree, developing a rounded head, with opposite, leathery, elliptic to lance-shaped, irregularly toothed leaves, to 8cm long, grey-green above, silvery grey-green beneath. Tiny, fragrant, creamy white flowers are borne in axillary panicles, to 5cm long, in summer, followed by edible, spherical to ovoid green fruit (olives), to 4cm long, ripening...

Plumeria obtusa “Frangipani or The Temple Tree”

Dhs. 80.00

Plumeria obtusa “Frangipani or The Temple Tree” is a large, deciduous shrub or small, spreading tree with robust, sparsely branched, very thick stems. Spirally arranged, lance-shaped, slightly wrinkled, rich green leaves, to 30cm long, are usually finely hairy beneath. Salverform, yellow-eyed white flowers, 6cm across, are produced in terminal panicles from summer to autumn. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with...

Sansevieria Green Zeylanica “Bowstring Hemp” 30-40 cm

Dhs. 10.00

Sansevieria Green Zeylanica more commonly identified as bowstring hemp, is an evergreen perennial plant. It’s native to the South East Asian Region, especially found in India and Sri Lanka. A very close relative of the “Mother in Law’s Tongue” it’s vividly green with gorgeous leaf stripes. Sturdy and hardy, this plant can tolerate a surprising amount of neglect. It’s phenomenal as...

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