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Beaucarnea recurvata ( Elephant-foot Tree )30-40cm

Dhs. 250.00

 Beaucarnea recurvata is also known as Ponytail Palm, Bottle Palm, Nolina, Elephant-foot Tree. The ponytail is a weird palmlike succulent with a greatly expanded base and a single trunk with a rosette of long, straplike leaves that arch and droop. With age, the trunk eventually develops a few branches. Ponytail can get up to 30 ft (9.1 m) tall...

Bismarckia nobilis “Bismark Palm” بسمارك النخيل

Dhs. 730.00

Bismarckia nobilis is  massive tropical palm commands attention and inspires awe wherever it is grown. The Bismarck palm’s بسمارك النخيل stout trunk and symmetry of the huge crown lends a formal note while the startling blue green foliage amplifies the visual impact of this big beauty. It grows a single trunk that is smooth on mature specimens but young individuals...

Carpentaria acuminata “Carpentaria Palm”

Dhs. 815.00

Carpentaria acuminata medium-sized palm with a slender, smooth trunk ringed by old leaf scars. Arching, pinnate, dark green leaves, 2-4m long, comprise many narrow, linear, abrupt- or ragged-ended leaflets. From spring to summer, bears cup-shaped cream flowers in panicles to 1.5m long, followed by crimson fruit in persistent yellow calyces. Height 10-15m, Spread 3-7m. Native of Australia. Deliverable Healthy plant in...

Caryota mitis “Fishtail palm” نخيل ذيل السمكة

Dhs. 395.00

Caryota mitis or fishtail palm نخيل ذيل السمكة is small to medium-sized palm with clustered stems, at first clothed with fibrous leaf bases, later bare. The broadly linear, 2-pinnate, rich green leaves are 2-4m long, with 6-60, fish-tail-like, asymmetrically 3-angled leaflets. Pendent panicles, 30cm or more long, of cream flowers, to 2cm across, are borne in summer. Height 3-12m, Spread...

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens | Areca palm Outdoor فراشة النخيل

Dhs. 165.00

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Areca palm or Butterfly palm is small palm with clustered stems, at first covered with yellow leaf bases. The leaves, 1-2m long, have numerous slender, lance-shaped, usually yellow-green leaflets. In summer, bears yellow flowers in panicles to 60cm long. Height 9m, Spread 6m. Native of Madagascar

Cocos nucifera “Coconut Palm” نخلة جوز الهند

Dhs. 79.00

Cocos nucifera or coconut palm نخلة جوز الهند is large palm with a swollen, tapered base, an often-leaning grey trunk, and pinnate, bright green leaves, 4-6m long, with many linear leaflets. Small, bowl-shaped, fragrant, cream to yellow flowers are borne at intervals throughout the year, followed by ovoid fruit, each with a green to ochre-yellow or orange-red exterior covering a fibrous...

Cycas Revoluta “Sago Palm

Dhs. 350.00

Cycas revoluta Cycad  is robust-stemmed cycad, erect at first but gradually relining with age, and suckering and branching when mature. Arching leaves, 0.75-1.5m long, are pinnate, with up to 125 sickle-shaped, glossy, dark green leaflets. Ovoid, woolly, golden brown inflorescences are produced on mature plants but seldom on those grown in containers. The male inflorescences, to 40cm long, are pineapple-scented;...

Hyophorbe lagenicaulis “Bottle Palm” (1.8 to 2.0m)

Dhs. 1,199.00

Hyophorbe lagenicaulis is Small palm with a flask-shaped grey trunk, swollen at ground level, with vertical fissures in the bark. The narrowly ovate, pinnate leaves, 1.3-1.8m long, have many linear, mid- to deep green leaflets. In summer, bears tiny, green to cream flowers in panicles to 80cm long. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the tips and...

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