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Carpentaria acuminata “Carpentaria Palm”

Dhs. 815.00

Carpentaria acuminata medium-sized palm with a slender, smooth trunk ringed by old leaf scars. Arching, pinnate, dark green leaves, 2-4m long, comprise many narrow, linear, abrupt- or ragged-ended leaflets. From spring to summer, bears cup-shaped cream flowers in panicles to 1.5m long, followed by crimson fruit in persistent yellow calyces. Height 10-15m, Spread 3-7m. Native of Australia. Deliverable Healthy plant in...

Caryota mitis “Fishtail palm” نخيل ذيل السمكة

Dhs. 395.00

Caryota mitis or fishtail palm نخيل ذيل السمكة is small to medium-sized palm with clustered stems, at first clothed with fibrous leaf bases, later bare. The broadly linear, 2-pinnate, rich green leaves are 2-4m long, with 6-60, fish-tail-like, asymmetrically 3-angled leaflets. Pendent panicles, 30cm or more long, of cream flowers, to 2cm across, are borne in summer. Height 3-12m, Spread...

Cassia surattensis “Scrambled Egg Plant”

Dhs. 54.00

Cassia surattensis is A medium size (to 15 feet), fast growing flowering tree from Polynesia in the Caesalpiniaceae family . This is one of the few cassias which like to grow in a tree form. It makes a nice dooryard or entrance gate specimen and works well in a median, as shown here. Blooms in cycles year-round. Full sun. Drought...

Cassia surattensis “Scrambled Egg Plant”

Dhs. 54.00

Cassia surattensis is A medium size (to 15 feet), fast growing flowering tree from Polynesia in the Caesalpiniaceae family . This is one of the few cassias which like to grow in a tree form. It makes a nice dooryard or entrance gate specimen and works well in a median, as shown here. Blooms in cycles year-round. Full sun. Drought...

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens | Areca palm Outdoor فراشة النخيل

Dhs. 165.00

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Areca palm or Butterfly palm is small palm with clustered stems, at first covered with yellow leaf bases. The leaves, 1-2m long, have numerous slender, lance-shaped, usually yellow-green leaflets. In summer, bears yellow flowers in panicles to 60cm long. Height 9m, Spread 6m. Native of Madagascar

Citrus Lemon Spain “Lemon Tree” 1.0m-2.0m ليمون

Dhs. 185.00

Citrus Lemon Spain is large shrub or small, freely branching, spiny tree with narrowly ovate, finely toothed, light green leaves, 5-10cm long. Fragrant white flowers, 4-5cm across, borne singly or in small cymes, open from red or purple-tinted buds; they are followed by broadly ovoid yellow fruit, 7-15cm long. Height 2-7m, Spread 1.5-3m. Native of Asia. Deliverable Healthy plant in its...

Citrus orange or Orange Tree

Dhs. 165.00

Citrus orange or Orange Tree is large, rounded, bushy shrub or small tree with oval to elliptic, dark green leaves, 5-15cm long. In spring, bears fragrant white flowers, 4cm across, singly or in racemes. Sweet orange fruit, 6-10cm long, each with a secondary, embryonic fruit embedded at the apex, are borne in winter. Height 6-12m, Spread 3-5m. Deliverable Healthy plant in...

Clerodendrum inerme (Wild Jasmine)

Dhs. 1.89

Evergreen sprawling shrub 1-1.8 m tall. Stems woody, smooth. Leaves ovate to elliptical (5-10 cm) long, acute to acuminate tip, green, smooth, slightly shiny upper 2 surface, pinnate venation, margins entire, leaves opposite, simple. Cyme or umbel usually comprised of 3 flowers joined at a common base point; corolla white, fused, with 5 lobes; stamens 4, reddish to purple and...

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