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Echeveria succulent

Dhs. 32.00

Echeveria succulent is one of the most loved succulent in UAE. Native to semi-desert areas of Central America and northwestern South America. Echeveria is evergreen plant with semi drought toleranence properties. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil Free delivery on orders over AED 500.00, most plants arrive within a week All the tips and tricks for expert-level care Safe...

Cereus Peruvianus or Peruvian Cactus 5-10cm

Dhs. 17.00

Cereus Peruvianus or Peruvian Cactus, also known as Peruvian Apple Cactus or Queen of the Night. A bluish green desert cactus that grows upright in a single column with 3-Cereus Peruvianus or Peruvian Cactus, also known as Peruvian Apple Cactus or Queen of the Night. A bluish green desert cactus that grows upright in a single column with 3-5 blades. 5 blades....

Cactus Opuntia or Bunny Ears 5-8cm

Dhs. 13.00

Opuntia microdasys  Know as Bunny Ears, Angel Wings, Smooth Mountain Prickly Pear, Indian Fig, Mission Cactus, Tuberous Prickly Pear and Nopal. Bushy or tree-like, perennial cactus with stems composed of flattened, obovate to oblong, greyish green or mid-green segments, 10-40cm long, with white areoles producing yellow glochids and usually 1 or 2 spines. Bowl-shaped yellow flowers, 10cm across, are produced...

Lucky Heart “Hoya Kerrii” 5-8cm

Dhs. 33.00

Lucky Heart “Hoya Kerrii” is specie of Hoya and native to the south-east of Asia. It has heat shaped thick leaves, the plant is sometimes known Lucky Heart. In Europe and America, it is sold for Saint Valentine’s Day. Deliverable Healthy plant in its pot with premium soil All the tips and tricks for expert-level care Free delivery on orders over AED 300.00, most...

Cactus Opuntia Albata or Bunny Ears 5-8cm

Dhs. 16.00

Opuntia microdasys  Know as Bunny Ears, Angel Wings, Smooth Mountain Prickly Pear, Indian Fig, Mission Cactus, Tuberous Prickly Pear and Nopal. Bushy or tree-like, perennial cactus with stems composed of flattened, obovate to oblong, greyish green or mid-green segments, 10-40cm long, with white areoles producing yellow glochids and usually 1 or 2 spines. Bowl-shaped yellow flowers, 10cm across, are produced...

Senecio rowleyanus “String of Pearls” 10-15cm spread

Dhs. 35.00

Senecio rowleyanus, String of Pearls, String of Peas or String of Beads are native to South Africa, where in their natural habitat they grow as creeping vines on the ground, with their stems crawling and rooting wherever the stems touch the ground. They usually grow in the shade, protected by other taller plants or rocks. They get their common name...

Ornamental Cactus 5-8cm

Dhs. 14.50

Many types of ornamental plants, probably the cactus is one kind of plant with the most likes. The form is cute and charming deemed certainly can beautify your home, either when placed in the room and when placed in the park. Not to mention, how to cactus care classified as very easy. For gardening enthusiasts who are new, this ornamental cactus plant can certainly...

Mini succulents Haworthia 4-6cm per piece

Dhs. 19.00

Haworthia or zebra succulent is one of the most loved succulent in UAE. Native to semi-desert areas of Central America and northwestern South America. Echeveria is evergreen plant with semi drought toleranence properties.

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